What is it?
So you have glass that looks old, it’s in great shape, but you have no idea what it is!?! Many of our members ask for assistance from other members on identifying their “finds” or pieces in their collections. During each monthly meeting, members bring “mystery” pieces for identification assistance. Luckily, we have a few very knowledgeable members who usually are able to identify the glass.
If you get the chance to come to our annual Glass Show & Sale held in late February or early March, we have a reference table for glass identification and allow each guest to bring up to three items for identification or evaluation.
What are some other resources? There are many books published on glass, but these books can be hard to find. Fortunately, quite a few of the dealers at our Glass Show & Sale sell books on Depression-Era, antique, and vintage glass and pottery. Arkansas Glasshoppers has a fairly extensive private library collection of books on Depression-Era and antique glass and pottery that is available to members.
More and more, there are more resources available online. On the left side of this website, we have included links for resources recommended by our members. FaceBook also has good resources. Check out these links:
If you know what your pattern is, FaceBook can be a great resource for finding additional information about it because there are many FaceBook pages dedicated to one specific pattern of glass. Thank you, Sallie, for shedding some light on this issue!